Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dragon Feet
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Up All Night

By Friday, we have a barking baby who sounds like he's going to cough up a toenail...Back to the doctor we go and the diagnosis is bronchiolitis. The doc gave us a breathing machine, a prescription for albuterol and sent us on our way. Ten breathing treatments, suctioned noses and many steamy bathrooms later, our baby was not improving.
It's Saturday night and we debated what to do. Our little guy was miserable and doing everything he could in his tiny body to supress the cough. We finally called the pediatrician's office again and got on the line with the on-call nurse who told us to go to Phoenix Children's Hospital. We debated some more, monitored the cough and finally gave in and went to the ER around 11pm.
I wanted to turn around as soon as we walked into the room of whimpering children and exhausted moms and dads. Luckily we had the youngest patient so they put us in a private room where we were able to stay the whole time. They monitored his breathing for several hours and he was checked out by a physician and a respiratory specialist. The specialist took a very tiny tube and put it in Noah's nose, it seemed she was feeding it in there forever. Then the horror started. She suctioned his whole sinus area until he could breathe again. We were nervous moms holding onto him, I am certain I cried harder than he did - What relief when it was done. Noah felt so much better, you could see it on his face. They did the suctioning three times while we were there before we could bring him home. We were told again that he had a virus and it could last several weeks.
We finally arrived back home around 3am and all of us slept soundly until noon the next day. Noah is doing much better now and we are glad to be over this first baby milestone.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
One Month of Motherhood
- the sweet, warm cozy comfort of a sleeping baby on our bellies
- the delight of a hot shower after a long day
- what used to take me 30 minutes, now takes 5 days!
- time is irrelevant when there's an infant around
- I've officially become a milking machine
- our goals for the day include smiling, laughing, playing, feeding and napping
- we can't predict anything
- panic at the doctor's office
- enjoy every moment
- the human body is an incredible machine
- the biggest love we have ever felt
Monday, January 26, 2009
Babies bring out the best in all of us, most definitely they allow us to see our parents in a completely new way. In fourteen short days, mom and dad crossed miles of barriers to be 'in the moment' when Noah was born. We received thank you notes from them after they returned home to Virginia and their words are absolutely priceless to both of us.
Dad: "What a wonderful time we had visiting you in Arizona and welcoming baby Noah into our family. It was like Christmas all over again only better! Take care of each other and give Noah a hug and a kiss from each of us."
Mom: "But the best and most special treat was being there to share Noah's birth. I know I was a reluctant participant, but I am so glad I was there. It was such a special time of love, family and togetherness which I will always treasure. Noah is indeed fortunate to have such loving and caring parents. I know you will do whatever it takes to raise him to be an outstanding young man. Your dad and I look foward to helping you do that. Thanks again for all you do for us."
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Question

Lex looked at me and I firmly replied, "We BOTH are."

- his skin is so satiny soft, you can hardly feel it on your fingers
- he has big feet that he flexes when he's hungry
- his head is covered with blonde, brown and red fuzz
- his big blue eyes, the way they are beginning to explore the world
- his little round mouth, how he puckers to eat
- he yawns with his entire body
- his gastroc muscles are forming in his legs
- he calms himself when we give him a bath
- the strength of his head as he learns to hold himself up
- the way he sneezes, four in a row
- his perfectly shaped ears
- how he raises his brows at each new experience
- the sweet sounds he makes when his tummy is full
- how he stretches his feet when he rests on our bellies
- the soft rise and fall of his chest when he peacefully sleeps...
Our hearts and minds are full of yummy moments ~ I don't think we have ever smiled so big or so often in our lives...
A Loss for Words

Thursday, January 01, 2009
On the Day You Were Due
Due dates are usually a good 'guess' from the docs, but in our situation, we are completely certain when our son was conceived. Somehow due dates put a deadline on babies and tell us when they are supposed to be here, ready or not...we set our babies up to meet deadlines from the very beginning and this is the first one. I'll admit I felt uncertain when you didn't come on your due date, even though you didn't have any say about when the date was set. I know you will come to see us when you are ready and we will be ready when the day comes, baby boy. On the day that the doctor said you were due, here's what we did together:
- blueberry muffins, fruit and turkey bacon for breakfast
- a few hours at work with stories from your uncle Jack
- we walked Lou at Indian Steele Park with Granny and Grandpa
- the temperature outside was at least 70 degrees
- listened to lovebirds sing at the park
- rode the light rail to Mill Avenue and listened to lullabies along the way
- drank a decaf gingerbread latte
- browsed mill avenue
- ate delicious fish tacos made by your mommy
- watched the Suns win their game against Memphis
The adventures are just beginning..:)