Monday, June 02, 2008

thumpa thumpa

it's amazing how such a big sound can come from such a tiny organism..the power of our baby's heart beat brought us both to tears :) today was our first check up, the beginning of the eighth week of pregnancy - our family is growing one day at a time~ our doctor is awesome, she had just come from delivering another baby, she treated us as if she had known us for years, was excited about our journey to become parents and was extremely supportive of our decision to take control and make it happen ourselves. She said the strength of the heartbeat was a good sign and she found it pretty quickly, another good sign :) We are taking each day as a gift and learning how he or she is growing one day at a time. The whole experience has been so planned and calculated, it's refreshing to have someone else take control for a while :) I feel good most of the time, tired by 8pm, and Lex is with me each step of the way in making sure I'm eating all my fruits and veggies, drinking water and taking my vitamins. Thanks Lex, for being my support, my strength and taking such good care.


Mommyinlove said...

ahhhh.... thank you for the picture text!!!!! it looks like a BABY!!!! when do you find out?
love you three :)

Kim said...

Congrats... I am so thrilled for you... :) :) :)