Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just Getting Started

So this is easily the third time I have attempted at creating a blog space of my own and I am determined to be successful this time. Many days pass with memorable moments, ideas to be saved, intelligent quotes and feel good experiences. I bought yet another journal recently, thinking I would write them all down (part of the new year ritual) and truth is..the notebook stands virtually empty. Living so far away from some of my dearest friends and all of my family ~ this is a tribute to each of you and to me as we all experience these "moments in time."

live with intention
walk to the edge
listen hard
practice wellness
play with abandon
choose with no regret
continue to learn
appreciate your friends
do what you love
live as though this is all there is..

1 comment:

Mommyinlove said...

thank God i met you...........