days like today i am so thankful of warm weather and sunshine almost every day of the year. we got up early, lou and i took a walk down roosevelt street in search of the farmer's market. i had seen a sign on the street and made a mental note to check it out on the weekend. we followed the signs and it let us to a quaint little marketplace with local farmers and artists sharing their craft. lou sniffed out some organic peanut butter treats that he had to have and we found a warm spot just as the live music was starting. lex joined us soon after and we spent the morning enjoying the sunshine, drinking coffee and sharing tamales, barbeque and an appleturnover..yum~ it seems that we are discovering new gifts the city has to offer all the time, right in our backyard.
the afternoon brought more sunshine and we took advantage of comp tickets to the desert botanical gardens. they are tucked back off the main road and the paths wind around giant saguaros, octillo and prickly pears. snuggly desert rabbits were all along the path and desert rats scurried into their holes..lots of snowbirds were there to learn about the desert and enjoy the afternoon. we strolled along the path, taking it all in, breathing in the afternoon...ahhh...
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