planning our final baby hurrah has been more than an adventure - from where to host, who to host, me insisting on handmade invitations with RSVP cards nonetheless that when the weekend finally arrived - we were more than ready! we decided to have lex's parents host the Saturday night party, with beer, boys and children.
So we had planned on Thursday night to pick Lex's sister, Ana up from the airport around 10pm. It just so happens that Ana often misses flights or is unsure of when they actually arrive in Phoenix. I had every intent of going to the airport until Lex got a call that the flight was delayed (as they often are coming from California) and I just couldn't get myself off the couch. So off Lex goes to the airport...
When she returns, she comes in the door and says 'look who's here???" I thought she was talking to Lou since he loves his Tia Ana so much. I sleepily open my eyes and who walks through the door but MY MOM!! I couldn't have been more shocked, overwhelmed, excited and happy at that moment :) I'm pretty sure she got at least three hugs in about 30 seconds time. Never in a million years would I have predicted such a surprise..usually I'm the one randomly hopping on planes and showing up unexpectedly - how fun to be on the other side!!
But the surprises didn't end there - We had already planned to go to the famous Pizzeria Bianco on Friday night with the family, so our party was just extended as Ana, my mom and Betsy joined us for a fabulous pizza dinner downtown. After dinner, Lex and Betsy secretly take off, saying they have another surprise. Waiting, waiting, waiting..at the house for them to come back - the door finally opens again and Lex is there, without Betsy, but with our friend Breanne from San Francisco!! What a treat! She brought such positive energy and fun to the whole weekend - I have never felt so special :)
So with two additonal houseguests, we were able to really get the party started! Saturday we visited in the morning, got our coffee buzz on (everyone but me, that is) and headed west to decorate. The house looked great with lots of harvesty things, pumpkins and white lights. Most of our guests arrived and we gifted each one with special orange bracelets that said 'live laugh love' in honor of Noah's birth. The buffet was a hit and we had no leftovers, which is always a good sign. Our guests signed a framed invitation with a message to our little boy. We packed up the car late and headed home to be ready for Sunday's event.
Sunday was a beautiful November day - warm enough for sleeveless - and our guests arrived ready for brunch and baby gifts. We received so many thoughtful gifts from all of our friends and family and feel truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.
As we reflect back on this weekend, we will remember the kindness, love and support that has been consistently given to us in honor of our new family.